In these rough times we offer highly competitive prices backed by over 25 years experience. Take a look at your monthly storage, crating and handling costs and give us a call to see if we can't help you bring them down.
In these rough times we offer highly competitive prices backed by over 25 years experience. Take a look at your monthly storage, crating and handling costs and give us a call to see if we can't help you bring them down.
IVAM Institut Valencià d'Art Modern (export, import and crating)
Manifesta 8, Antiguo Cuartel de Artillería (export, import and crating)
The Chinati Foundation – Marfa, Texas
Phillips de Pury & Company & Company (export and crating)
Kampa Museum, Prague (export, import and crating)
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Palais du Louvre (export and crating)
Schomburg Center, NY (local and national transit, storage and installations)
Tauba Auerbach (local transit and storage)
Yoko Ono (local transit and storage)
Robert Rauschenberg estate (export, import and crating)
Robert Wilson (export, import, crating, storage, local transit and installations)
The Journal (local and national transit, storage and installations)
Galerie Gitti Nourbakhsch – Berlin
Galerie Ropac Thaddaeus – Salzburg, Austria
Freymond-Guth Fine Arts Ltd., Zurich (local transit and storage)
Marian Goodman, Paris (export, import and crating)
Studio La Citta, Italy (export, import, local transit and crating)
Deitch Projects, for over 10 years, until their closure, their regular handler ( crating, storage, local transit and installations)